Seniors need physical activity!
For every human being, regardless of age, physical exercises are very important. This applies especially to the elderly.
Seniors should try activities adapted to their needs. They are significant for their health, fitness and well-being. Taking part in them is also a great possibility to leave their homes, meet other people and spend valuable time together.
Traditional games are a great form of recreation for the elderly!
They have beneficial effects on health. Scientific research confirms that these games:
- improve eye-hand coordination, strength, agility and general, physical fitness,
- increase the level of mental health, positively developing the emotional dimension of human life,
- help people build interpersonal relationships.
Therefore, they are a fantastic form of physical recreation, and at the same time an opportunity to meet and integrate.
You can read more about the values of traditional games HERE.
I organize physical classes, during which seniors can play various traditional games, such as:
- Polish ringo, ringnetball and kapela,
- Swedish kubb, English croquet, French les boules and others.
I have experience in working with seniors. I have organized, among others, classes for the students of the University of the Third Age at the Vistula University in Warsaw.
It was a lecture on traditional games and practical activities in the gym. These classes met with very positive receptions from the participants.
As an author of a doctoral dissertation on traditional sports and a many-years practician, I know from experience how much health, joy and positive emotions these game can bring to the elderly. This is a unique opportunity!
- Third Age Universities,
- Nursing Homes,
- all other institutions, working with seniors.
PROGRAMME: traditional games.
The detailed program is set individually, depending on your needs.
PRICING: individual – depending on the type of the event, group size, duration, number of games, location and other factors. Everything to be agreed and negotiable.
• I arrive at the appointed place with my own sports equipment
CONTACT: (+ 48) 607-262-987, bartosz@inspirowanysportem.pl
Successful activities: classes for seniors in Warsaw – see HERE (in Polish, soon in English)
My educational background and professional experience – see HERE
I cordially invite you to cooperate
Bartosz Prabucki, PhD
Specialist in traditional sports and games
(+48) 607-262-987, bartosz@inspirowanysportem.pl

The Netringall enjoyed great popularity during my classes with seniors.
It was a wonderful recreation for them

Seniors quickly “caught” the basic rules of the Netringball

Seniors are playing Polish game – Kapela.
They appreciated this funny, running play

Kubb – an interesting form of recreation for the elderly

Competitions in kubb – Vistula University, Warsaw

Seniors were very engaged, playing kubb

Kapela – Polish game for everyone!