Traditional games and plays are coming back!
Who does not miss the times of a carefree childhood in the fresh air, playing with a ball or just running through the meadows. These joyful activities were giving us many positive emotions and incredible fun. What is more, they were teaching us and were positively contributing to our development.
Now, they are coming back (!) in the form of traditional games, such as Polish ringnetball, ringo and kapela, Swedish kubb, English croquet, tug-of-war and many others.
Traditional games are:
• something different, interesting and valuable,
• great fun, joy and laughter, a good way to spend time actively,
• health – their health-enhancing values have been scientifically proven,
• a wise way to integrate children with each other and parents with children through a common game.
Games and plays can be an attraction of company picnics
For each company, its positive image, standing out from the crowd in a competitive market and the ability to attract and save the best employees are very important.
All of this can be achieved thanks to the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities.
An example of this is the organization of the company, family picnics.
Traditional games are a great way to make them original!
Satisfying the natural need for movement, take care of your employees and their children, ensure great fun and a large dose of physical activity!
• a unique, healthy, original and fun way for families with children to spend time at a company picnic,
• adding original attractions to the company’s activities,
• integration of employees and their families around positive emotions,
• creating an image of a socially responsible company,
Improve the image of your company, by supporting social integration and health of employees and their families, especially children.
PROGRAMME: traditional games.
The detailed program is set individually, depending on your needs, specific event, its place; group of participants, their age, number etc.
PRICING: individual – depending on the type of the event, group size, duration, number of games, location and other factors. Everything to be agreed and negotiable.
• I arrive at the appointed place with my own sports equipment
• I conduct activities in English
CONTACT: (+48) 607-262-987, bartosz@inspirowanysportem.pl
My educational background and professional experience – see HERE.
Discover the exciting world of traditional games with me. I cordially invite you to cooperation.
Bartosz Prabucki, PhD
Specialist in traditional sports and games,
experienced practician, leisure-time animator
(+48) 607-262-987, bartosz@inspirowanysportem.pl

Traditional games are a wonderful way of spending free time for parents with children!

Children have a lot of joy, playing the Netringball

Practical activities with the Netringball for the youngest children

The Netringall is a great sport also indoor

Indoor practical classes with the Netringball

Polish Ringo – terrific fun for everyone

Kubb – an interesting, throwing game from Sweden

Children love tug-of-war!

Tug-of-war can be enjoyed even by small children!