A Story about Traditional Sports and Games
This book is a captivating story about traditional sports and games (TSG) – a valuable subject for science but also a very practical issue – with special focus on three examples of different nations, putting particular emphasis on their own (and foreign) traditional sports and games – Basque Country, Scotland and Denmark.
The meaning and practical utility of TSG
Traditional games and sports offer wide possibilities of their practical use for various goals.
- serve as “cultural attributes” to maintain, express and promote collective, cultural identities of local and regional communities, ethnic groups and nations,
- are interesting parts of festivals, feasts and other events, offering unique opportunities for everyone to enjoy healthy, joyful and valuable time together, simply playing games,
- teach important skills,
- have great contribution to social inclusion and integration of people, recreation and tourism.
The purpose of the book
However, knowledge about them is insufficient.
The main aim of my book is therefore to present the fascinating world of traditional sports and games – increasingly popular around the world.
Basing on valuable, personal, first-hand sources from research and study trips to Denmark, Basque Country and Scotland and personally experienced, traditional sports and games, I have created a captivating story about traditional sports and their practical usability in these countries.
What will you find in this book?
This book presents and describes more than 50 traditional games in total, possible to use in many places, described in the main chapters and in an additional annex and numerous examples of using them in practice for the good of all of us.
My book contains:
- an interesting and original context (background) – functioning of traditional sports and games (TSG) in the world between globalization and cultural identity and between tradition and modernity,
- the detailed descriptions of the selected traditional sports and games from Basque Country, Scotland and Denmark,
- different perspectives, similarities and differences between these three countries, when it comes to the practical existence and use of their unique sports and games for various purposes,
- many first-hand examples and ideas of using these sports and games in practice,
- more than 50 traditional sports and games presented in total (in the main chapters and in an additional annex), possible to use by the Readers in many contexts and situations,
- original photographs of the selected games,
- conclusions and epilogue with additional ideas about practical utility and perspectives for the development of this issue,
- an annex with detailed descriptions of additional games – ready to use in many practical contexts (physical education classes, other activities for children, adults and the elderly, for recreation, tourism, health, social integration and inclusion and many others).
Why is it worth reading?
This book is worth reading, as it offers:
- Original, first-hand knowledge about very interesting, original issue – traditional sports and games. Why interesting? Because these sports and games comprise a varied, sport and cultural legacy of the world. The vast variety of TSG and the richness of their social, cultural, health-related, physical and many other functions, roles and meanings make them a fascinating part of human history and contemporaneity.
- Practical utility. Knowledge about traditional sports and games and their cultural and social significance is valuable itself but equally important is practical usability of TSG in everyday life. They have always had many practical applications. They are precious tools, helpful in solving many problems in the current world.
As the Readers will see on the examples of the Basques, the Scots and the Danes, these sports, among others:
a) are important tools, helping people maintaining and promoting their cultural identities,
b) create a cultural and sport tourism “products”, good for a proper promotion of a given country, its people and raising their economic status and opportunities,
c) help in recreation,
TSG are a healthy way of spending our leisure time – either alone or in groups – the entire families, with children, spouses, parents, grandparents, friends, colleagues from work etc. You can have a great time, by watching and especially playing traditional games together.
d) they constitute a significant part of feasts, fiestas, festivals and the other, cultural events.
As you will see on the examples of the Basques and the Scots, their traditional sports are an important (or even a crucial) part of such events. Thanks to that, you can spend your time, experiencing many, various, cultural attractions (music, dances, cuisine, the arts etc.) and at the same time enjoying these sports! It all happens in a very friendly, open, sometimes international and intercultural atmosphere.
- Inspiration. By increasing your knowledge about TSG and communities or nations in which they are practiced as well as by familiarizing yourself with many practical applications and values of such sports and games, you can get a lot of inspiration for your own life and activities.
Book as an inspiration
After reading this book, you will have an inspiration to:
a) start practicing TSG by your own. You will increase your health. By practicing together, you will integrate with your family and friends and will get the new ones. You will spend your precious time together in an active, valuable and interesting way,
b) organise practical classes and activities for children, adults, the elderly, people with disabilities and many social and ethnic target groups,
c) visit Basque Country, Scotland, Denmark or any other country or region to get to know better their culture, including traditional sports and games. These experiences are valuable and unforgettable,
d) take part or even create a cultural festival in your country, region, city and/or introducing traditional sports and games to it,
d) establish an institution, organization, association or a club and/or introduce traditional sports or games into their programmes. Your organization’s members will be fascinated by this opportunity to try something new – healthy, enjoyable, interesting and valuable.
Who should read this book?
This book is dedicated, among others, to scholars who will find here very valuable, theoretical and practical information. However, everybody interested in sport, physical activity, physical education, tourism, recreation, social issues, culture and cultural heritage will find it useful.
All the Readers will get to know with, among others:
a) several traditional sports and games from Denmark, Basque Country and Scotland – thoroughly described and (some of them) enriched with original photographs. You can get to know and make practical use of them in numerous ways (for sport, physical activity, education, tourism, recreation and so on),
b) the other sports and games, presented in an additional annex to this book (in total you will get to know with over 50, practical, traditional sports and games),
c) fascinating and captivating stories about different nations playing and using their traditional sports and games for various goals (including maintaining and promoting their cultural identities),
d) descriptions of interesting feasts and festivals – Aste Nagusia and Highland Games and Gatherings – from my personal observations,
e) many practical inspirations, related to different ways of using traditional sports and games. You can choose and introduce some of them in your activities.
f) original photographs, put in the next or attached at the end, taken in the Basque Country, Scotland, Denmark, Poland and other countries.
Where you can buy this book?
You can order your copy from the Publisher – Cambridge Scholars Publishing by clicking HERE.
You can also order via email at: orders@cambridgescholars.com
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