Why traditional games?
Nowadays, each institution tries to create an attractive offer for its recipients, in which everyone can find something interesting. Thanks to this, it can effectively compete in a free market of cultural, sports, tourist and other services.
Therefore, it is worth introducing something new to your offer – valuable, giving people health, joy, fun, social and cultural experience and combining tradition with the needs of the current world.
Practical activities from traditional games will give you all of it.
I offer unique, practical activities from traditional games.
In the past, they were enjoyed by the previous generations and now they are coming back.
These are, for example, Polish Ringnetball, Ringo and Kapela, Swedish kubb, English croquet and badminton, Italian boccia, as well as walking on stilts, tug-of-war and others.
As an author of a doctoral dissertation on traditional sports, with many-years of practice, and a leisure-time animator, I know from experience how much fun, joy, smile, positive emotions and health bring these games to everyone, especially to children.
You can find out more about me below.
PROGRAMME: traditional games.
The detailed programme is set individually, depending on your needs, specific event, its place; group of participants, their age, number etc.
I invite to a cooperation:
- city halls, municipal offices, local governments,
- primary schools,
- universities,
- museums,
- tourism agencies,
- youth cultural centres,
- sport and cultural associations and clubs,
- all other sport and cultural institutions.
Pricing: individual – depending on the type of the event, group size, duration, number of games, location and other factors. Everything to be agreed and negotiable.
- I arrive at the agreed place with my own sports equipment
- I conduct these classes in English
CONTACT: (+48) 607-262-987, bartosz@inspirowanysportem.pl
Successful projects (in Polish, soon in English): activities for everyone interested at the Porta Posnania (a museum in the city of Poznań) – see HERE
My educational background and professional experience – see HERE
I cordially invite you to cooperation
Bartosz Prabucki, PhD
Specialist in traditional sports and games,
Experienced practician, leisure-time animator
(+48) 607-262-987, bartosz@inspirowanysportem.pl

Children have a lot of joy, playing the Netringball

Practical activities with the Netringball for the youngest children

The Netringall is a great sport also indoor

Indoor practical classes with the Netringball

Polish Ringo – terrific fun for everyone

Kubb – an interesting, throwing game from Sweden

Children love tug-of-war!

Tug-of-war can be enjoyed even by small children!

Traditional games are a wonderful way of spending free time for parents with children!